Individual Therapy

“I can’t go on like this anymore.”

“It’s been a few years since I knew I needed to talk about this.”

“But before, I was too scared.”

“Unpacking my ‘demons’ is scary, and that stops me. Yet, I know I want to get past this, my past, and just feel good about myself, if that is even possible.”

Yes, what you want is possible.

“There’s a voice that whispers to give it a try, but relationships have been a struggle for me.”

“It can be difficult to trust strangers.”

“It’s been a while since I felt like smooth sailing. I have support, but even that makes me feel guilty as I still feel alone and misunderstood.”

“Trying to please others or pretending I’m ok because I am the strong one has just become too much.”

Living this way is draining you.

“At work, I often get lost in my tasks to stay busy and not think… or overthink. It just doesn’t stop.”

“I want different yet find myself in the same cycle day in and out. Why can’t I just stop?”

“Why fall back when I know better? Maybe I don’t know better. I don’t even feel like I know myself.”

Not knowing where to start or stop is an opportunity for exploration.

It’s perfect when you feel ‘lost,’ as it allows you to consider options that might surprise you. Let me offer you a safe space for your adventure.

Let me support your quest.

I get it. Unexpected situations that don’t stop can feel overwhelming.

That’s normal. Know that there is a different side to situations.

I can help you consider it. I’ve worked with individuals who have so many legal restrictions that have ended up homeless and yet succeed through their commitment to self and exploration of new chapters.

Therapy has allowed my clients to salvage their marriages while supporting others as they choose to divorce. The end is just the beginning of something new. Often, clients ask me if I believe they will have it better, and the answer is always the same, “If you allow it, of course, it will be better… maybe even grand!”

Once you gift yourself space to disclose your concerns and challenges, clarity is invited in by processing your emotions. We’ll first bring awareness to the primary emotion or feeling you want to process. Then, through a spectrum of services, you’ll address the emotion or feeling to explore its message toward your well-being.

We’ll laugh, cry, hug, text, and connect over a call if that is what is being called forth. It’s all ok.

This is your chance to connect, redefine, expand, and decide…

Often, clients see me with a rational or ‘mind’ approach.

Through collaborative exercises, you will tap into your heart consciousness to give your mind a break. You’ll integrate your new options through heart clarity, allowing you to redefine your path, expand or grow within your confidence, and then consciously decide what you will pursue.

NOTHING is off-limits!

Self-esteem, abortion, infidelity, anger, addiction, anxiety, panic attacks, loss, relationship challenges with partners or family, trauma, domestic violence…

You name it… we can tackle it!

I am human just like you. I’ve made mistakes, regressed, fallen, and picked myself back up. Past family, romantic, and career experiences have allowed me to learn what it’s like to find yourself alone and misunderstood. This is why I share from my heart, keeping your therapeutic goals in mind.

I intend always to keep it real, and this is why I, too, check in with my teachers or community peers, who offer a safe space for my clearing and exploration.

And I have plenty of tools to help you.

Therapy is not a couch-chair image that fits all. That’s why I offer variety.

I have clients who say, “I don’t know where to start,” yet end up extending past the hour because they decided to share from their heart. That’s the key. There’s no agenda, just sharing from the heart and what’s on your mind.

Clients who have never meditated engage with me in guided visualization exercises to explore fears from a place of comfort and safety. Each guided visualization or meditation exercise is personalized, allowing my clients to connect with the exploration in a way that resonates with them. Through guided exercises, I’ve supported mothers who have miscarried or chosen to stop the pregnancy. Guided exercises have also helped clients in their grieving process of a loved one.

Therapy invites any topic to be explored.

I have sat with male clients who needed to cry to release repressed emotions regarding their partner, sibling, or parent. I’ve listened to female clients who are so worried about not disappointing their loved ones that they disregard their preferences or needs.

Unblocking is another powerful technique that many of my clients enjoy as it allows them to reach conclusions by revisiting a topic through an interactive, supportive conversation. I’ve applied unblocking to situations involving sexual abuse/assault, suicidal ideations, difficult parent-child relationship dynamics, unfulfilled romantic relationships, or situations that call for self-esteem and self-concept revisions.

In therapy, you lead, explore, and call the shots.

The expert of your life is you and you alone. I hold space for you while offering perspectives to consider.

If you’re experiencing anxiety or depression, you’ll explore those symptoms to understand their causes and stressors. I often share with clients that childhood imprints are like highlighted events that added to feeling or thinking some type of way (for example, not good enough). In therapy, we’ll identify imprints and their significance. Limiting beliefs will often surface from such exploration, allowing for alternative responses to be considered.

If you have a “mood disorder,” we’ll look at what lies beneath that might be alerting you to make changes in your life. From my experience, mood disorders stem from past trauma that was not processed. When something we dislike occurs, we either respond with anger or numbness (Ex. I don’t feel anything). The reality can be summarized through the primary emotion of sadness. Sadness is the parent of most disorders.

If you have relationship challenges, you’ll learn how your narratives about your relationships might not always be based on facts. The younger you are, the more limitations when analyzing a situation. Thinking of a solution at 30 is different from thinking of it at 15 or 8. This is why we will revisit certain stories to determine what can be explored differently.

You might have a bad impression of therapy…

… thinking that it’s “boring” or “will take forever.”

But here, it’s not that way at all!

Because it’s tailored to the individual, the time frame in therapy varies from person to person. But most of my clients achieve their goals in 10-26 sessions. I know it sounds like a lot when you think of it in weeks, so I like to tell folks to think of it as 10-26 HOURS of collaboration!

Making a change is totally possible if you just give yourself the time!

If you think you’re unsure if this is the right move for you, I would like to point out that YOU ARE HERE. And it’s for a reason… and I know you’re ready for more. The adventure is yours for the taking, and I’m excited to support you and your learning.

We can do virtual or in-person sessions!

I got you! Give me a call and let’s talk about how I can help during your free consultation: (786) 571-6617.