Make Peace with Your Story

You are more than just one volume.

Therapy for Adults in Florida

Yariela Sequeira, LMHC

It’s been one disappointment after another.

Something is missing.

You crave more.

Family gatherings only offer superficial conversations where you don’t feel understood or supported.

You bury yourself in work, as it’s become the perfect excuse to tell others you are too stressed and just want to rest.

Overwhelmed, frustrated, agitated, irritated… you’ve thought about sending it all to hell.

You’re tired, wondering when will it stop?

You desire freedom and to end your inner fight.

You want connection and support.

Your self-esteem and confidence are at an all-time low.

“Can I stop being so compulsive?”

“Why can’t I connect with others on a deeper level?”

“Is there something wrong with me?”

You tell yourself this feels crazy. You’ve judged and shamed yourself silently over the past few months… maybe years… you just stopped counting.

Dismissal became your best friend.

That feeling of being trapped lingers.

Worry, anger, panic, and hopelessness have been knocking at your door.

You want more – silently scream for more.

Others don’t seem to get it. You don’t even feel seen or heard.

You manage to get by with your day-to-day routine. But, you constantly question if there is something wrong with you.

There’s nothing wrong with you.

It’s time to put the warrior down.

Through my collaborative approach, you’ll confirm there is more of YOU to explore.

Through our sessions, you’ll be seen and welcomed as you are.

No need to hide. You’ll feel safe and supported to express yourself
from a place of raw honesty and appreciation for it.

You’ll be heard.

Hi, I’m Yari.

It’s normal if you have been fighting yourself (or others) for a while.

During times of inner struggle or inner war, we tend to protect ourselves with shields. We are all warriors at times as inner struggles invite YOU, the warrior, to redefine and create new beginnings.

I aim to assist you as you redefine your path, gather new tools, and empower yourself.

You’ll experience a quicker recognition and implementation of your resolutions through my strength-based approach. You’ll also establish a practice of heart-centered listening.

I commit to presenting you bold perspectives within insightful conversations. I’ll rely on different techniques and mindfulness through visualization and meditative exercises to complement our action plan.

I’m here to support your transformation. Together, we’ll build upon resiliency, fearlessness, and confidence.

You are not alone in this. We will explore new paths for you together. Crying, laughing, cursing, and venting are included. I’m also versed in Spanglish.

Your new chapter begins today.

It’s your time.

I believe in self-care, energy, love, and expansion.
I know there’s more to YOU.

The war is over.

I see you. I feel you. I got you!

Expand and shine your colors.